Ubuntu: Set Time and Timezone

Check current date / time List available timezones Set timezone Check current date/time configuration Sync time with ntp Ensure that “status systemd-timesyncd” is running Time synchronistation is enabled by default. Run the command timedatectl and ensure that “System clock synchroized” and “systemd-timesyncd.service active” are both set to yes. If not,

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Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Enable via Powershell Set Default Linux-Distribution (if you have installed multiple distros) List current installed distributions Install new distribution Browse the following URL:https://aka.ms/wslstoreYou will be redirected to the Windows Store App. Select desired distro and install it. List currently running distributions Terminate Linux-Distribution Run WSL-Command (Linux Commands) from cmd Change

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Ubuntu: Universal USB-C Dock – Display

Install DisplayLink Universal USB-C Dock Display-Drivers Download: https://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu Disable SecureBoot if you have an nvidia graphics card installed If Secureboot is enabled nvidia will install MOK-Keys to sign the binaries.This can lead to pixel errors on your display. Install nvidia-drivers Please replace 390 with the current driver version. To list

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