Visual Studio: set git-Proxy

If not done yet install the following features in Visual Studio: [x] Git for Windows[x] GitHub Extension for Visual Studio Configure Proxy for git Tools –> NuGet Package Manager –> Package Manager ConsoleRun the following commands: Start –> Programs List –> Visual Studio –> Developer Command Prompt for VS 20XXAlso

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*.pfx to *.jks (Java KeyStore)

You can use the Java keytool to convert *.pfx to *.jks. It is included in the Java JRE Change to the \bin directory and run keytool Get alias from current *.pfx Open output.txt and look for the line starting with “Aliasname:”

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Ubuntu: Universal USB-C Dock – Display

Install DisplayLink Universal USB-C Dock Display-Drivers Download: Disable SecureBoot if you have an nvidia graphics card installed If Secureboot is enabled nvidia will install MOK-Keys to sign the binaries.This can lead to pixel errors on your display. Install nvidia-drivers Please replace 390 with the current driver version. To list

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