openHAB 2 – Add bindings via configuration file

Map your openhab-SMB-Share \\openhab\openHAB-conf

Now you can open the File addons.cfg in the services folder (\\openhab\openHAB-conf\services)

Uncomment the binding line and add the bindings you want to have installed

Important: if you decide to install bindings via the addons.cfg-File you cannot add further bindings by using the PaperUI –> To add new bindings you then have always to add it into the addons.cfg

You can lookup the binding-strings in the PaperUI-menu:

After adding a new binding string you have to reboot your openhab-Server or restart the openhab2-service (login by using ssh (e.g. with PuTTY) and run one of the following commands)

sudo reboot
sudo systemctl restart openhab2